Friday, May 30, 2014

Doris new bed

While I was working hard at the office, Doris was hardly working. She suddenly came down with a fever and needed to get to bed. Fortunately we drink a lot of milk at the office so after a bit of creativity, scissors and fabrics, Doris got a brand new bed at the office. Brilliant! 

Do you have a friend in need of a bed? Take an empty milk carton (or yoghurt carton or similar), wash it and dry it. Cut it in half. You can ask a parent to help you cut, scissors are sharp tools so handle with care. If you have some fabrics lying around cut a big enough piece for matress and another for blanket. If you don't have fabric, paper towel is good enough. Or if you have clothes ready for the bin you can cut of a bit of fabric before you through the garment out of the door. Have you good ideas of what to make out of milk cartons? I would love to hear them. Please e-mail me or write a comment. 

Have a happy weekend! 

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