Thursday, January 6, 2011

Janne meets the new animals from LipFish: Adam Ant

It's time for a new feature on this blog. I am going to interview all the animals in the new Spring/Summer collection 2011 from LipFish. First in line is an eager dude. He really wanted to be the first. The hard working and good natured Adam Ant.

Janne: Hello Adam, how does it feel to be a part of the new LipFish collection?

Adam: Thank you for asking. It feels great. About time that we small animals also got a collection of our own.

Janne: What do you like most about children?

Adam: I like children that learns how to clean up their toys and help around the house. If you do it like you're playing, it's a lot of fun! I promise.

Janne: Hmmm, I know that you work a lot, but what did you like to play when you were little?

Adam: Me and my siblings liked to play hide and seek. We also liked to compete. Who could carry a straw back to the ant hill fastest. Stuff like that...

Janne: Thank you very much for the interview. Do you have something you would like to add?

Adam: Yes, I would like to tell all the children out there to eat properly and grow up to be strong and smart.

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