Thursday, January 27, 2011

Janne meets the new animals from LipFish: Mickey Mosquito

He was really hard to get hold of since he travels a lot, but I finally managed to catch Mickey Mosquito for a short chat together.

Janne: Hello Mickey. How was your latest trip?

Mickey: Hi Janne. It was great. This time I went to the jungles of South America to visit some distant relatives. Man, do they have a lot of trees there or what?

Janne: What do you feel about being one of the animals in the next LipFish collection?

Mickey: I am a little nervous to be honest. I know that a lot of people don't like us mosquitos. We have a bad reputation for some reason.

Janne: Maybe because you suck blood? And leave those itching marks? And sound so annoying? And...

Mickey: Hey, I know I know I know... Don't rub it in, please. I am sorry, ok? It's not my fault that I have to suck blood. And I only take a very small bite. I don't hurt anyone on purpose. I promise.

Janne: I know Mickey. I was just pulling your leg. To be honest you are one of the nicest mosquitos I know.

Mickey: Thanks Janne, that was nice of you.

Janne: Finally, do you have anything you would like to tell the children out there?

Mickey: Be kind. Don't do bad things to others because then they get sad. You should make others happy! And travel a lot, because it's fun to see new things. Bye bye!

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