Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Janne meets the new animals from LipFish: Lola Ladybug

The third new animal in the spring/summer collection from LipFish is Lola Ladybug. Here's what I found out about her when we had a little chat earlier.

Janne: Hola Lola!

Lola: Hello Janne. ¿Cómo está?

Janne: Fine thanks. Tell me, how does it feel to be a part of the LipFish collection?

Lola: Spot on, if I am allowed to make a small joke. Abslutely fab.

Janne: Excuse me for asking but I have always wondered, do you know why you are called a ladybug? It is such a strange name.

Lola: Quite simple. I am a bug but most importantly I am a lady. Hence Ladybug.

Janne: Thank you so much for this interview. Do you have any final words for the children out there?

Lola: Hmmm, let me think about it... Oh, now I've got it! Have a lot of parties. I like parties. Party party!

Janne: That's it? Parties?

Lola: Yes. And invite lots of friends. And people you don't really know, to make them your friends. It is a good thing to know a lot of people. Friends are free you know.

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